Enjoy the spectacular bioluminescence in Holbox and prepare your senses to live a unique nighttime adventure, where the waters become a show of bright blue lights, courtesy of nature itself.


What is Bioluminescence?

Bioluminescence is a natural phenomenon where certain living organisms produce light. In the case of Holbox, this phenomenon occurs thanks to small organisms called dinoflagellates, which emit flashes of bright blue light when shaken. Imagine sailing on a blue starlit sea as the waves shimmer with your every move.


Bioluminescence Tour Experience


  1. Preparation for Adventure: Tours generally begin at sunset from the island of Holbox. It is recommended to bring comfortable clothing, insect repellent, and a waterproof camera to capture these magical moments.


  1. Sailing to Yalahau Lagoon: Local guides will take you in small boats to Yalahau Lagoon, a place known for its biodiversity and calm waters, perfect for bioluminescence.


  1. The Magic Begins: As the sun sets and darkness takes over the sky, that’s when the real magic begins. By stirring the water, you’ll see how every movement turns into a bright blue light show. It’s like sailing through a sea of ​​shooting stars.


  1. Nature Observation: In addition to bioluminescence, Yalahau Lagoon is an important habitat for birds and wildlife. During the tour, you may see nocturnal birds and other animals that inhabit the area.


  1. Moments to Remember: The experience of bioluminescence is truly magical and surreal. It is ideal for families, couples or simply anyone looking for a unique connection with nature and the ocean.


Practical tips


  • Book Early: Bioluminescence tours are popular, especially during peak season. Be sure to book in advance to guarantee your spot.


  • Respect for Nature: Remember that you are exploring a fragile ecosystem. Follow the guides’ instructions and avoid disturbing marine life.

Moonless Nights: Bioluminescence is most impressive during moonless nights, when the sky is darkest and blue lights shine brightest.